What WLAN Channels are available?
There are 14 channels designated for wireless networks in the 2.4-GHz frequency band and 42 channels in the 5-GHz frequency band.
The 14 channels in the 2.4-GHz band are spaced 5 MHz apart. The protocol requires 25 MHz of channel separation, meaning that it is possible for adjacent channels to overlap and then interfere with each other. For this reason, only channels 1, 6, 11 are typically used in the US to avoid interference. In the rest of the world, the four channels 1, 5, 9, 13 are typically recommended. The 2.4-GHz frequency band is heavily used because most devices can operate on that band.
The 5-GHz band is actually four frequency bands: 5.1 GHz, 5.3 GHz, 5.4 GHz, and 5.8 GHz. The 5-GHz band has a total of 24 channels with 20- MHz bandwidth available. Unlike the 2.4-GHz band, the channels are non-overlapping, therefore all channels have the potential to be used in a single wireless system. Because only 802.11a devices formerly used this band (occasionally 802.11n uses it also) this band is less crowded and targeted for increased use for new 802.11 technologies under development.
The 14 channels in the 2.4-GHz band are spaced 5 MHz apart. The protocol requires 25 MHz of channel separation, meaning that it is possible for adjacent channels to overlap and then interfere with each other. For this reason, only channels 1, 6, 11 are typically used in the US to avoid interference. In the rest of the world, the four channels 1, 5, 9, 13 are typically recommended. The 2.4-GHz frequency band is heavily used because most devices can operate on that band.
The 5-GHz band is actually four frequency bands: 5.1 GHz, 5.3 GHz, 5.4 GHz, and 5.8 GHz. The 5-GHz band has a total of 24 channels with 20- MHz bandwidth available. Unlike the 2.4-GHz band, the channels are non-overlapping, therefore all channels have the potential to be used in a single wireless system. Because only 802.11a devices formerly used this band (occasionally 802.11n uses it also) this band is less crowded and targeted for increased use for new 802.11 technologies under development.
What Channels are not available?
Because each country has different regulatory requirements, the country code determines which channels you can configure on the radios. When you specify the country of operation for an access point, the radios are restricted to using the valid channels for that country.
The FCC (United States) requires that devices operating the 5-GHz band must employ dynamic frequency selection (DFS) and transmit power control (TPC) capabilities. This is to avoid interference with weather-radar and military applications. Additional channels in the 5-GHz band are restricted to avoid interference with Terminal Doppler Weather Radar (TDWR) systems. This eliminates the use of channels 120, 124, and 128. Channels 116 and 132 can be used if they are separated by more than 30 MHz (center-to-center) from a TDWR located within 35 km of the device.
The FCC (United States) requires that devices operating the 5-GHz band must employ dynamic frequency selection (DFS) and transmit power control (TPC) capabilities. This is to avoid interference with weather-radar and military applications. Additional channels in the 5-GHz band are restricted to avoid interference with Terminal Doppler Weather Radar (TDWR) systems. This eliminates the use of channels 120, 124, and 128. Channels 116 and 132 can be used if they are separated by more than 30 MHz (center-to-center) from a TDWR located within 35 km of the device.
Table 1: Channels a Device Can Use
Device Capability
Band and Channel Width used:
Typical Channel Use
2.4-GHz band, 20-MHz channel width
1, 6, 11 (US) or 1, 5, 9, 13
2.4-GHz band, 20-MHz channel width
1, 6, 11 (US) or 1, 5, 9, 13
2.4-GHz band, 20-MHz channel width
5-GHz band, 40-MHz channel width
1, 6, 11 (US) or 1, 5, 9, 13
(36,1) (40,-1) (44,1) (48,-1) (52, 1) (56,-1) (60,1) (64,-1) (100,1) (104,-1) (108,1) (112,-1) (116,1) (120,-1) (124,1) (128,-1) (132,1) (136,1) (149,1) (153,-1) (157,1) (161,-1)
5-GHz band, 40-MHz channel width
3, 11
802.11n Channels Can Be Wider and Work on Both Bands
802.11n devices work on the 5-GHz radio band as well as the more-populated 2.4-GHz radio band. On the 5-GHz band, 802.11n channels can be either 40 MHz or 20 MHz wide as shown in Table 1. This is one reason that 802.11n devices can be faster.
Note: 40 MHz channels work only with 802.11n on the 5-GHz band—40 MHz channels cannot not be configured on a 2.4-GHz radio.
802.11n radios configured for the 5-GHz band have a primary channel and a secondary channel. The primary channel is listed using the channel number, and the secondary channel adds another 20 MHz to make the channel 40 MHz. Therefore, the secondary channel is either the channel above (1) or the channel below (-1) the primary channel. This notation keeps you from configuring non-contiguous channels. For example, if the primary channel is 36 and the secondary channel is 40, the combination would be (36,1). If the primary channel is 44 and the secondary channel is 40, the notation would be (44,-1).
The following channels, listed as (primary channel, secondary channel) are supported for 802.11n at 5 GHz with 40 MHz bandwidth: (36,1) (40,-1) (44,1) (48,-1) (52, 1) (56,-1) (60,1) (64,-1) (100,1) (104,-1) (108,1) (112,-1) (116,1) (120,-1) (124,1) (128,-1) (132,1) (136,1) (149,1) (153,-1) (157,1) (161,-1)
The following channels, listed as (primary channel, secondary channel) are supported for 802.11n at 5 GHz with 40 MHz bandwidth: (36,1) (40,-1) (44,1) (48,-1) (52, 1) (56,-1) (60,1) (64,-1) (100,1) (104,-1) (108,1) (112,-1) (116,1) (120,-1) (124,1) (128,-1) (132,1) (136,1) (149,1) (153,-1) (157,1) (161,-1)
What is WiFi Channel width?
Channel width basically controls how broad the signal is for transferring data. Think of it like a highway. The wider the road, the more traffic (data) can pass through. On the other hand, the more cars (routers) you have on the road, the more congested the traffic becomes.
By increasing the channel width, we can increase the speed and throughput of a wireless broadcast. By default, the 2.4 GHz frequency uses a 20 MHz channel width. A 20MHz channel width is wide enough to span one channel. A 40 MHz channel width bonds two 20 MHz channels together, forming a 40 MHz channel width; therefore, it allows for greater speed and faster transfer rates.
Obviously, two channels are better than one, right? In theory, yes. But not if those channels are crowded with noise and interference. In crowded areas with a lot of frequency noise and interference, a single 20MHz channel will be more stable. 40MHz channel width allows for greater speed and faster transfer rates but it doesn’t perform as well in crowded areas.
However, noise and interference is not always the issue. Sometimes it’s the distance. If greater distance is the primary objective, my preference is the 2.4GHz band.
Case Study:
Previous 802.11b/g and 802.11a radios used a transmission channel that was 22 MHz wide. Conventionally, these were referred to as "20 MHz Channels." When the quality of a channel (based on signal-to-noise ratio and interference) was excellent and the received signal strength was high enough a connection rate of 54 Mbps could be achieved. With 802.11a/b/g technology roughly half of the connection rate was available for TCP/IP data transmission. Hence, a maximum throughput of roughly 27 Mbps was possible (although the practical maximum is seen to be closer to 22 Mbps because of typical environmental factors).
The 2.4 GHz 802.11b/g Channel Space
Shown below is a frequency map of the 2.4 GHz ISM (Industrial, Scientific and Medical) band used by 802.11b/g equipment and available for use by 802.11n equipment. There are 14 channels defined (spaced 5 MHz apart) and channels 1 through 11 are available for use in North America. The end result of this arrangement is that a maximum of three channels can be configured for use (channels 1, 6 and 11) without overlapping between adjacent channels. All best-practices 802.11b/g design use only these three channels. As you study the channel layout you should also note that a 40 MHz 802.11n channel would be comprised of eight 802.11b/g channels. Remember that these channels overlap. Their center frequencies are 5 MHz apart but each channel is 22 MHz wide. To get a contiguous 40 MHz wide channel requires that the frequencys allocated to 8 separate channels be sacrificed.
The Capacity of 802.11n 40 MHz Channels
802.11n allows the configuration of 40 MHz wide channels. Because adjacent channels need a slight gap between them (to separate them in the frequency band) a single 40 MHz channel has slightly more than twice the bandwidth of two adjacent 20 MHz channels (because the inter-channel frequency gap is now part of the actual channel space). Hence, a 40 MHz 802.11n channel provides just a little better than twice the throughput capacity of a single 20 MHz 802.11n channel. If an 802.11n transmitter is operating in a 20 MHz channel and can establish a 72.2 Mbps connection then a 40 MHz channel would provide for a 150 Mbps connection. When you double the channel width you double (plus about 4%) the capacity of the resultant double-wide 802.11n channel.
A Fundamental Challenge to the Use of 40 MHz Channels
When a wireless LAN uses 802.11n exclusively it's referred to as an "802.11n Greenfield Mode" implementation. Most wireless LANs will be required to provide support for 802.11b/g clients in the 2.4 GHz ISM band. Some wireless LANS will be required to support 802.11a clients (or 802.11a backhaul point-to-point connectivity) in the 5.8 GHz ISM band. 802.11a/b/g operates using conventional 20 MHz channels. If a device were to transmit in a 20 MHz channel which was half of a double-wide, bonded 40 Mhz channel there would be a problem. In mixed-mode networks (802.11n in the presence of 802.11b/g or 802.11a) the only 40 MHz channels that can be successfully used are those where both of the 20 MHz channels are free of legacy 802.11b/g or 802.11a transmitters. This prerequisite can typically be met without a problem in the 5.8 GHz ISM band (where there are upwards of 12 20 MHz channels to choose from) but is almost impossible to meet in the 2.4 GHz band (where 802.11b/g clients are common). A notable exception to this is the case where a homeowner sets up a residential Wi-Fi network using 802.11n in the 2.4GHz ISM band with a 40 MHz channel setting. There may not be any nearby 802.11b/g devices to cause interference or, at least, to cause only minimal interference.
The Use of 40 MHz Channels in the 2.4GHz Band is Not Reasonable for Commercial Networks
The 2.4 GHz band is often heavily congested, particularly in dormitories, apartments and condominiums, and multi-story office buildings. This alone precludes effective use of 40 Mhz channels. A home user, or a commercial user requiring only a single access point may obtain improved throughput (relative to 802.11g) using a single 40 MHz channel. Interior space larger than 3000 square feet will probably need more than one 802.11n access point to provide maximum bit-rate connectivity to 100% of the area. When adding a second access point to an 802.11n network is considered in the 2.4 GHz band the problem with 2.4GHz 40 MHz channels becomes evident.
Only One 40 Mhz 802.11n Channel Is Available in the 2.4 GHz ISM Band
The 5.8 GHz Channel Space
802.11n 40 MHz Channels As They Relate to Dynamic Frequency Selection (DFS) and Radar Avoidance
Military radar and some weather radar can operate in the U-NII-2 band. To avoid conflict between unlicensed transmitters (like Wi-Fi access points) operating in the U-NII-2 band the FCC requires [Rule #15.407(h)(2)] that all unlicensed transmitters operating in U-NII-2 implement Dynamic Frequency Selection (DFS). DFS allows the radio to detect the presence of radar signals and to dynamically and automatically change to a different transmit frequency if radar is discovered. Because this requirement demands that a manufacturer of a Wi-Fi access point implement additional, specialized detection mechanisms some manufacturers have simply decided to not provide support for U-NII-2 operation. While almost all major manufacturers do support U-NII-2 it's important to check for U-NII-2 capability when selecting a particular brand of equipment.
Notice that without U-NII-2 support there are only four available channels for indoor use and four for outdoor use. That's a non-issue when 20 MHz channels are being used (i.e. for 802.11a). In mathematics, the "Four Color Theorem" states that if a plane (a floorplan or area map, for example) is divided into contiguous regions (analogous to access point coverage cell areas) then the regions can be colored using at most four colors so that no two adjacent regions have the same color. If we substitute "channel" for "color" then the Four Color Theorem tells us that if you have four channels to work with then a design can be created that avoids detrimental channel overlap (where two or more access points cover an area with the same channel resulting in system degradation).
When considering 40 MHz channels it can be seen that use of the U-NII-2 band is critical. You can't get four (or even three) 40 MHz channels for either indoor or outdoor use unless you take channel space out of the U-NII-2 band. The channel map shown below indicates how