RTP Packet Header Fields
As shown in the Figure 6.4-3, the four principle packet header fields are the payload type, sequence number, timestamp and the source identifier.Figure 6.4-3 RTP header fields.
Payload Type Field
The payload type field in the RTP packet is seven-bits long. Thus 27 or 128 different payload types can be supported by RTP. For an audio stream, the payload type field is used to indicate the type of audio encoding (e.g., PCM, adaptive delta modulation, linear predictive encoding) that is being used. If a sender decides to change the encoding in the middle of a session, the sender can inform the receiver of the change through this payload type field. The sender may want to change the encoding in order to increase the audio quality or to decrease the RTP stream bit rate. Figure 6.4-4 lists some of the audio payload types currently supported by RTP.
For a video stream the payload type can be used to indicate the type of video encoding (e.g., motion JPEG, MPEG1, MPEG2, H.231). Again, the sender can change video encoding on-the-fly during a session. Figure 6.4-5 lists some of the video payload types currently supported by RTP.
Sequence Number Field
The sequence number field is 16-bits long. The sequence number increments by one for each RTP packet sent, and may be used by the receiver to detect packet loss and to restore packet sequence. For example if the receiver side of the application receives a stream of RTP packets with a gap between sequence numbers 86 and 89, then the receiver knows that packets 87 and 88 were lost. The receiver can then attempt to conceal the lost data.
Timestamp Field
The timestamp field is 32 bytes long. It reflects the sampling instant of the first byte in the RTP data packet. As we saw in the previous section, the receiver can use the timestamps in order to remove packet jitter introduced in the network and to provide synchronous playout at the receiver. The timestamp is derived from a sampling clock at the sender. As an example, for audio the timestamp clock increments by one for each sampling period (for example, each 125 usecs for a 8 KHz sampling clock); if the audio application generates chunks consisting of 160 encoded samples, then the timestamp increases by 160 for each RTP packet when the source is active. The timestamp clock continues to increase at a constant rate even if the source is inactive.
Synchronization Source Identifier (SSRC)
The SSRC field is 32 bits long. It identifies the source of the RTP stream. Typically, each stream in a RTP session has a distinct SSRC. The SSRC is not the IP address of the sender, but instead a number that the source assigns randomly when the new stream is started. The probability that two streams get assigned the same SSRC is very small.
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